A sound artist, field recordist and researcher with a love for heritage sites, ruins and buildings at risk.
Anna Celeste Edmonds

A Room with a View

‘A Room with a View’ was a site specific installation created in collaboration with artist Amphetamint aka Thalia Alaska. It was recorded within LCC and the closely surrounding area, using contact microphones and a Zoom H4n. The materials recorded were specific to areas we had been in touch with daily and the purpose of the piece was to blur the lines between what we relate to as outdoor and indoor; with a particular focus on small and often missed sounds. The room we selected to install the piece in had a broad view of London, was full of natural light, and had two specifically positioned open windows to allow a cross-breeze and bleed of the present sonic environment into our own composition. Presented in the large space with 4 speakers arranged in a surround sound formation.





A Room with a View: Collaboration with Amphetamint